

Chemical Accident Prevention Management Plan

What is a Chemical Accident Prevention Management Plan?

  • Based on the Article 23 of the CCA, an emergency response system is established and operated to ensure the safety of hazardous chemical handling facilities and to minimize damage in the event of an accident

Who should be submitting a Chemical Accident Prevention Management Plan and when?

  • A person who intends to install/operate facilities that handle a hazardous chemical, and a person who runs a business that handles more than a sub-regulated quantity (LT) for each hazardous chemical must prepare and submit a chemical accident prevention management plan by 60 days before the inspection of the handling facility.
  • A group 1 workplace that handles hazardous chemicals in quantities exceeding the Qualifying quantities (upper tier (UT) prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment shall submit a chemical accident prevention management plan every five years.

※Exclusion: Cases subject to exclusion in Article 23 (1) of the CCA Act, such as laboratories, in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Act on the Establishment of Safe Laboratory Environment.
※Subject to submission of a changed chemical accident prevention management plan: Where it falls under the provisions of Article 23 (3) of the CCA Act, such as the expansion of handling facilities.

Consultation services provided by SHES

  • SHES is an agency that provides professional services and consultations in terms of review of business sites and preparation of a chemical accident prevention management plan etc.

Order of business process

Collection of Data and Review of site/facilities

  • Checking handling hazardous chemicals and facility information (on-site)
  • Review of industrial process
  • Review of business site and surrounding areas

Preparation of Report

  • General information of the facility
  • Preparation of accident scenarios
  • Analyzing status of hazardous chemicals handling facilities and possible accident areas (Using accident analysis programs such as KORA)
  • Preparation of business site—pre management policy and internal/external emergency response plan

Correspondence with the relative authorities

  • Submission to NICS and correspondence for supplementary requests

Satisfactory Notice Issued

  • Submission of Satisfactory Notice to NCIS